The Bleak Friday Announcement

Black Friday is not for us… and that’s fine.

Our Webshop will be closed from Friday 24th November – Sunday 27th November.

There is a lot going on in the world right now from wars to global warming, political unrest to fuel poverty and all points in between. In the UK (one of the richest countries in the world) this Christmas it is estimated that over 131,000 children will wake up on Christmas morning without a place to call home. That is way more important to us than coffee.

Without taking away from the real message, like you and like most businesses in recent times we have seen our costs soar by over 250%. We have scratched and clawed to not to pass those costs on to our customers because times are tough and at our core we believe that every cup of coffee should be outstanding no matter the budget or location, and that means honesty, resilience, and transparency.

We have innovated to keep our costs down while keeping our business as ethical and ecologically friendly as possible, all while keeping prices accessible and affordable year-round. In other words, we’re doing our best to be decent humans.

We do occasionally run offers and sales for things like Steve’s birthday, but we don’t want to participate in the Black Friday nonsense which has somehow extended into a week, fortnight or even a month in some circles. Particularly when it feels like a ploy to get people to spend beyond their means, with little REAL price difference versus the rest of the year.

We see this as dishonest and unfair.

As a result, we will be closed for all webshop orders from Friday 24th – Sunday 27th and will reopen on Monday 28th.

While we genuinely understand that times are hard, instead of shopping with us this Bleak Friday, we encourage our customers to donate to causes doing important and frighteningly necessary work such as Shelter.

The cost of a single cup of coffee could make a real difference to a child who doesn’t even have a bed to sleep in this Christmas.

We appreciate every one of our customers, you are the reason we are still here. Thank you!

Find Out More About Shelter’s Work Here

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